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From the Mouth of a Babe

I have been collecting quotes from Lorraine that either offer an insightful comment on the world at large or just upon her world. I will post the good ones hereput the best one for the Christmas letter. I move this post forward on the blog as new quotes come to light.

On meeting with her CPA: “It made me feel really good, that I’m not crazy and I’m not a bad business person.”

On her office: “You have to pretend you didn’t see this. The corner over there on the floor looks really good.” (best quote for 2007)

“My reading pile is on the floor. I got it out of my to do pile.” (best quote for 2006)

On sending me to the store to pick up treats for the engagement party: “Don’t eat the lemon bars. You can have a cookie. Don’t eat the chocolate chip bars.”

Technology: “As long as my Zune has energy, I’ll be alright.”

From her years as a producer on the morning news: “I hate it when celebrities die.”

“Just because I’m eating ice cream doesn’t mean I’m feeling better.” (best quote 2001)

On baseball: “It’s going to be an ugly damn season.” (best quote 2003)



“Wait, I have something to say.”

On computing: “I just need to click around a little more without fear.”

“I have a laptop connection in my office, but you can’t get to it.”

“Are those the only sandals you have?”

“I don’t have time to listen to the message.”

“The question is will I be alright.”

“I have a system. I just forgot what it was.”

“I was talking to my shoes.”

“I’m a little tense, but I’m good, I’m good.”

“My pants are a little better. That doesn’t mean my brain is any better.”

“It’s a G** D*** miracle!” (best quote for 2008)

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